UETR expresses appreciation to the Court of Justice of the European Union for broadly confirming the validity of the Mobility Package but stresses the importance of applying the Package in its entirety and the urgent need to clarify the legal framework

The Mobility Package, as it stands, represents a balance of fairness, safety and sustainability in the EU road transport sector.The Package is essential for preventing unfair competition and the rise of “letterbox” companies, establishing offices in countries with lower tax rates or looser labor laws but operating mainly in higher-cost Member States, creating market distortions. […]

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UETR at the European Parliament to discuss workable Green Deal for road transport SMEs

UETR together with SMEUnited and other sectoral organizations in the Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee attended on the 1st of October 2024 a round of meetings at the EP with ENVI Committee MEPs Pietro Fiocchi and Alessandra Moretti.Discussion focused on how to empower European SMEs towards a successful and pragmatic green transition, including incentives, […]

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