On Thursday 7 July UETR together with SMEUnited presented the leaflet “Green best practices for road transport SMEs and how the EU can support them” at a webinar which saw entrepreneurs and EC representatives exchanging on best practices.
The leaflet was drafted in cooperation with the EU LIFE programme to present tips and case studies allowing SMEs in the road transport sector to be more sustainable and reach the EU Green Deal objectives.
The leaflet is divided into four sections. The second one focuses on how to green specific areas of road haulage vehicles, such as operations, equipment, maintenance and IT. The third one gives suggestions to green the offices or headquarters of SMEs active in the road transport sector. A final section provides information on EU and national bodies, as well as internet sites, which can support SMEs in embracing the green transition.

UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia provided a view on challenges and solutions for the road transport sector. “Small companies have made and make huge efforts to go green, but very complex challenges arise from shortage of drivers to current geo-political situation and rise of energy prices. They have to be supported on this journey.. We are willing to share all the good things companies already do today, despite the existing challenges. There are also existing tools already available from the EU Institutions and bodies, companies can use.Knowledge sharing is an important part of what trade associations do” he concluded.

Participants were the Chair of SMEunited Sustainable Development Committee, Mr. Josef Herk, Dario Dubolino from DG Move, Julien Tami’s from the EU LIFE Programme.
Three SMEs presented the actions they put in place to be sustainable. One of them was Riva Logistic and Service, member of Confartigianato Trasporti (UETR member).

Angelo Salsi, Head of LIFE and Sustainable Blue Economy Department from The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) gave closing remarks.
The leaflet can be downloaded here

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